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Our sevices

Logistic service

Thanks to our own vehicle fleet, reliable dispatch center and high quality customer service, our company provides complex service in field of logistics and transportation.

Vehicle transportation

We offer vehicle transport from single vehicle to any amount of vehicles.

Road transport

DEAN's fleet operates with broad specter of utility and freight vehicles for road transport of any load.


For storaging standart products and vehicles, DEAN utilizes both owned and rented storage space. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question or request.

Vehicle towing

Do not hesitate to contact us in case of disorder of your personal or freight vehicle.

We posses freight vehicles with extensions for vehicle manipulation, which enables them to load immobile vehicles.


DEAN utilizes broad group of contracted transporters to keep its customers satisfied in case of any fluctuation of production. Therefore we are able to transport any amount of goods or vehicles.

Are you interested in our services? Contact us?